Since its inception in 2010, Socially Responsible Ventures L3C has produced solid results, with unexpectedly high returns—both financial and social—on the $514,962 invested.
affordable housing
- 4 vacant, distressed properties (7 units of housing) fully rehabbed and weatherized
- over 65 individuals housed, about ¼ of whom had been experiencing or facing homelessness
- no rent increases for tenants renewing leases (length of tenancy 2 – 8 years)
- 2 low-income neighborhoods impacted (Chicago – Grand Crossing, Evanston – 5th Ward)
- 2 of the properties sold to first-time homebuyers, 1 of them an SRV tenant
second-chance jobs
- 58 crew members employed, 50 of whom were disadvantaged and 35 of whom were negatively impacted by the criminal justice system
- $202,517 paid in wages, trainee stipends, and independent contractor compensation
- 22,628 hours of paid work provided
- enhanced construction skills for all crew members, in virtually every area of general construction: demolition/deconstruction, weatherization, framing and finish carpentry, electrical, plumbing, tuckpointing, roofing, siding, painting, tiling, drywall, and landscaping
- improved job-site math skills (measuring, estimating)
- stronger resumés and better follow-on job prospects
- numerous intangibles: boost in confidence, more positive outlook, improved attitude
energy conservation
- air-sealing retrofits that made the thermal envelopes of the 4 properties 41%, 30%, 18%, and 29% “tighter,” or, less leaky
- more and better insulation that, together with the air-sealing, resulted in energy savings across the properties of 3,967 Therms per year
- as of December 31, 2021, cumulative-to-date energy saved across the properties equivalent to:
- 416,850 pounds of carbon dioxide-equivalent
- 453,151 miles of driving
- 21,269 gallons of gasoline
- 40 cars taken off the road for one year
- 201,773 pounds of coal
- 4,899 trees planted for 10 years
- cumulative-to-date reduction in homeowner utility bills of almost $35,000
economic impact
- estimated $475,000 injected into local economy by tenants (for each household, for each month of occupancy, assumed total spending in categories other than rent of $1,000)
- $62,897 paid to local tradesmen (plumbers, electricians, HVAC installers, others)
- $64,950 of building materials purchased through local retailers
- $107,671 paid in real-estate taxes
financial results
- rental and other income of $843,175
- pre-tax operating profit of $109,163—or $200,508 after adding back in depreciation
- average annual pre-tax return on total funds invested, including owner equity and long-term debt, of 3.6%—or 6.6% after adding back in depreciation
- lenders earned between 4% and 6.75% per annum on funds loaned
As the company moves into its next phase of operations, it hopes to extend its impact to an ever-greater number of stakeholders.
To invest in one of the company’s projects, please contact T. Manning, Founder. See the Contact page for details.
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